The School for Bookbinding Arts

This is a of list tools, services, and supplies that are relevant to bookbinding and paper crafts.
Contact us or call (540) 662-2683 for more information.
We list information here as a service but do not provide endorsements, nor does a listing here constitute an endorsement.
We reserve the right to decline to list a tool, service, or supply.

Examples of backed book cloth from Strange Aeon Bindery. Book cloth made with cotton fabric backed with kozo rice paper. Each piece approx. 52cm x 44cm. Price is by the square cm. Available on Etsy (

Wooden bookbinding tools by Jim Freeley. Shown are an example of his lying press (available in two sizes as well as custom) and punching cradel. Sewing frames and other tools coming soon. Contact Jim Freely for more information. or 703-859-2318.