The School for Bookbinding Arts

2025 Workshops
(updating still in progress…feel free to email us with any questions)
The School for Bookbbinding Artsts began in 2002 as the workshop division of Cat Tail Run Hand Bookbinding. Our goal is simple: to make the study of bookbinding and related crafts enjoyable yet substantive. Our workshops feature demonstrations of techniques coupled with supervised student practice time. The topics in our classes are sure to entice you whether you are interested in bookbinding or the myriad kindred topics that make up paper arts and book craft.
Overview of 2025 Workshops
(Scroll beyond “To Register” to find full descriptions–Not all descriptions are there yet, but coming soon.)
* = prerequisite required which is explained in full descriptions
*Advanced Leather Binding Restoration: The Leather Reback
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
April 2 – 4 (Wed – Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$445 + $65 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
*Advanced Cloth Binding Restoration: The Cloth Reback
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
April 10 – 11 (Thurs – Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $45 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
New Cloth Binding Construction
Instructors: Jill Deiss, Alexis Candelaria, & Rowland Kirks
May 15 – 16 (Thurs – Fri) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$295 + $50 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Book Repairs for General Library Collections
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
June 9 (Mon) 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$225 no materials fee
Introduction to Book Restoration
Instructors: Jill Deiss, Susan McCabe & Alexis Candelaria
June 12 – 13 OR July 10 – 11
Both Sessions: (Thurs – Fri) 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. $295 no materials fee
The Art of Fabric Marbling
Instructor: Brittani Locke
June 20 – 21 OR June 27 – 28
Both Session: (Fri – Sat) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $80 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Leather Paring Techniques for Bookbinders
Instructor: Karen Hanmer
July 14 (Mon) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$240 + $75 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Leather-Spined Bradel Binding
Instructor: Karen Hanmer
July 15 – 16 (Tue – Wed) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$295 + $150 materials [hold materials fee until class]
NOTE: Student must have experience. Email for details.
Half-Leather Split-Board Binding
Instructor: Karen Hanmer
July 17 – 18 (Thurs – Fri) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$295 + $150 materials [hold materials fee until class]
NOTE: Student must have experience. Email for details.
Beginning Paper Marbling
Instructor: Robin Ashby
July 25 – 26 (Fri – Sat) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Shell and Combed Shell Marbling
Instructor: Robin Ashby
July 28 – 29 (Mon – Tue) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Marble & Make: Blank Album Construction
Instructors: Robin Ashby & John Johnson
July 31 – August 1 (Thurs – Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $50 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Marble & Make: The Perfect Pouch
Instructor: Brittani Locke
Aug 8 – 9 (Fri – Sat) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $75 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Springback Binding Construction PART I: Creating the Curved Spine & the Text
Instructor: Mary Sullivan
Aug 11 – 13 (Mon – Wed) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$445 + $90 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Springback Binding Construction PART II: Making the Text for your Springback Binding
Instructor: Mary Sullivan
Aug 14 – 15 (Thurs – Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $85 materials [hold materials fee until class if you took PART I]
[$125 materials due at registration if you DID NOT take PART I—and a text will be prepared for you to have in class]
Cloth-Covered Clamshell Box Construction
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
Aug 18 – 19 (Mon – Tue) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
*Advanced Clamshell Tray Construction
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Mona Hayford
Aug 20 (Wed) 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$240 + $45 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Book Sewing Intensive
Instructor: Susan McCabe
Aug 25 – 26 (Mon – Tue) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Marble & Make: The Marbled-Edge Notebook
Instructors: Brittani Locke & Jill Deiss
Aug 30 (Sat) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$240 + $50 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Classic Marbling
Instructors: Regina & Dan St. John
Sept 3 – 5 (Wed – Fri) 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$445 + $95 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Instructors: Regina & Dan St. John
Sept 8 – 9 (Mon – Tue) 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials [hold materials fee until class]
*Practice Makes Perfect
Instructors: Regina & Dan St. John
Sept 11 – 13 (Thurs – Sat) 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$445 + $95 materials [hold materials fee until class]
*Stone & Shell
Instructors: Regina & Dan St. John
Sept 15 – 16 (Mon – Tue) 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Chabako: The Ultimate Japanese Teabox
Instructor: Lana Lambert
Sept 18 – 19 (Thurs – Fri) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $60 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Introduction to Paper Repair
Instructor: Jill Deiss
Oct 2 – 3 (Thurs – Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Leather Rounded-Spine Clamshell (The Pro’s Version)
Instructors: Alexis Candelaria & Jill Deiss
Oct 9 –11 (Thurs – Sat) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$445 + $85 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
The Retchōsō: Dual-Needle Japanese Tassel Binding
Instructor: Lana Lambert
Oct 17 – 18 (Fri – Sat) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials [hold materials fee until class]
On the Edge: The Vanishing Painting & The Gilt Edge
Instructors: Melody Krafft and Cate Whitehorne
Oct 20 – 21 (Mon – Tue) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $40 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Full-Leather Medieval Style Girdle Book
Instructors: Jill Deiss, Susan McCabe & Alexis Candelaria
October 23 – 24 (Thurs – Fri) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$295 + $65 materials [materials fee due with tuition]
Japanese Bookbinding: The Six Essential Structures
Instructor: Lana Lambert
Nov 6 – 7 (Thurs – Fri) 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $60 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Gold-Leaf Tooling on Leather
Instructor: Sam Feinstein
November 10 – 11 (Mon – Tue) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$295 + $150 materials [hold materials fee until class]
Gilt-Edging Books with Gold Leaf
Instructor: Sam Feinstein
November 13 – 14 (Thurs – Fri) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$295 + $125 materials [hold materials fee until class]
How to Register
- Registration is on a first-come/first-serve basis. Email us at or call (540) 662-2683 to confirm availability and/or receive advice about which course to enroll in. You must pay the tuition for a class in order to guarantee your spot in it.
- A number of courses have materials' fees in addition to the tuition. The amount of such fee is noted in each course listing and indicates if it is due at registration or at the time of the class to be collected directly by the instructor. If the materials fee is due at class, the class letter that goes out several weeks prior to the class will tell you the methods in which the instructor can take payment for the materials fee.
- Please note that $35 of each workshop tuition consists of a non-refundable administrative fee which will be deducted from your returned tuition if you withdraw. (This fee is waived should the workshop not be held).
- Refund policy: Tuitions and any materials fees paid upfront (less the $35 administrative fee per workshop) will be refunded to the student if they withdraw in writing via email 7 or more business days prior to the first day of class. This refund applies only to tuition and any materials fees paid in advance. Should the class be cancelled due to inclement weather or other exigent circumstance students will receive a full refund including the administrative fee.
- Upon payment for a class, we provide receipts as proof of registration.
- We accept credit card payments over the telephone for tuition and (where applicable) materials fees. You can also pay with a check or credit card by printing, completing, and mailing the Workshop Registration Form. We cannot at this time process debit cards or online payments.
Workshops and Descriptions Below
Asterisk * means prerequisite or experience required
Workshop Descriptions

Introduction to Book Restoration
Instructors: Jill Deiss, Susan McCabe, & Alexis Candelaria
June 12 – 13 OR July 10 – 11
(both sessions Thurs – Fri),
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 [no materials fee]…Shabby books need not be relegated to the dustbin! In this class, learn to repair damaged corners and tattered endcaps & how to stabilize splitting joints on cloth and leather books. Dyeing, toning, and leather polishing are included. This course is designed for those wanting to learn how to refurbish antiquarian books and for anyone who wants to move on to our more challenging Advanced Restoration courses. For book dealers in particular, this class introduces many simple techniques that they or their staff can easily perform on ailing books, greatly increasing shelf presence. No prerequisite.

New Cloth Binding Construction
Instructors: Jill Deiss, Alexis Candelaria & Rowland Kirks
May 15 – 16 (Thurs – Fri),
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $50 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…Historically, the making of new covers constituted the primary endeavor of a bookbinder, and to this day constructing new covers remains an essential part of a bookbinder’s job. Each student will create a new, hard cover for a book of their own, plus receive instruction on two additional cover styles.
Students will learn to set type and gold-stamp their own titling layout. If you are interested in book restoration, this is an essential course for understanding book structure, allowing you better to assess damaged books you want to restore.
No prerequisite.

Book Repairs for General Library Collections
Instructor: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
June 9 (Mon)
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
[no materials fee]…Librarians take pride in the care they have traditionally offered the
books within their libraries. This workshop is intended for librarians and library staff, although it is open to all interested students. Expand your expertise in the area of library book repair by learning to mend damaged joints and spines and to re-adhere texts that have become loose or detached at their inner hinges. Tips for repairing
damaged pages will also be included. We emphasize the structural aspect of these repairs so that the books can hold their own while
receiving heavy use. Even so, these practical and economical repairs are designed to deliver a neat, professional result. No prerequisite.

Introduction to Paper Repair
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
October 2 – 3 (Thurs – Fri),
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…This course teaches methods for repairing damage to paper plus the necessary preparatory steps of non-invasive surface-cleaning, options for stabilizing pressure-sensitive tape, and humidifying and flattening rolled or crumpled pages. No prerequisite.

Full-Leather Medieval Style Girdle Book
Instructors: Jill Deiss, Susan McCabe, and Alexis Candelaria
October 23 – 24 (Thurs – Fri), 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $65 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…Long before Playtex sold our grandmothers on
the necessity of a “foundation garment” called
a girdle, medieval monks and the well-to-do of
Europe were sporting the latest fashion in books:
The Girdle Book. These books had naught to do
with undergarments but instead were worn on
the outside at the waist where they attached to a
“girdle” or belt. This way a monk or other devout
had no excuse for skipping a prayer time when theprayer book was attached right to them—and in the handiest way possible! This design is a book lover’s dream! Who needs a Kindle when there is a battery-less girdle book? Come join us for this enchanting class where you’ll sew and then leather bind a text into a girdle book—
complete with a colorful turban knot (also called a “woggle”) at the top. No prerequisite.
Super cool! If you take the Girdle Book class of
June 17 – 18 and sign up for Jeffrey Altepeter’s Clasp Making class of June 20 – 21, you can make a clasp for your girdle book!

MARBLE & MAKE: Blank Album Construction
Instructors: Robin Ashby and John Johnson
July 28 – 29 (Mon – Tue),
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $50 materials
[hold materials fee until class]…This workshop will have your engines revving from the first moment.
You’ll begin at the marbling tank where you will first marble paper that will become part of your album cover. You will then move on to creating the blank album pages and crafting the album cover.
The cherry on top will be setting type and then letterpress printing it for the title label on the front of your album! The marbling and letterpress portions of the class will give you a sound introduction to both of these crafts. This workshop is a satisfying journey from raw materials to a finished product. The result is a beautifully crafted blank album—all from your hands. No prerequisite.

MARBLE & MAKE: The Marbled-Edge Journal
Instructors: Brittani Locke & Jill Deiss
August 30 (Sat),
9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$240 + $ TBA materials
[materials fee due with tuition].
In edge marbling, dipping the edges of a book into a watery marbling tank seems like a recipe for disaster—but in fact it’s a final artistic touch that takes a text from blah to breathtaking! Under the expert guidance of marble Brittani Locke, you will create a number of marbled sheets and then deftly marble the edges of several blank notebooks [proudly produced in the US by using 100% post-consumer recycled material]. The fruits of your labors will be used to create the glorious marbled-covered notebooks you see above—finished off with an elegant gold-tooled line.

The Art of Japanese Bookbinding: The Six Essential Structures
Instructor: Lana Lambert
November 6 – 7 (Thurs – Fri),
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $60 materials
[hold materials fee until class]…From making paste to cutting paper, everything has a way and a purpose in the world of Japanese bookbinding. In this course, students will create multiple Japanese-style bound books based on historical models using authentic materials and processes. Featured styles include the elegant kochōsō (butterfly style), the hantori-chō (receipt book), the daifuku-chō (historically a merchant account book), the yamato-toji (for binding manuscripts), and the four-hole stab binding. As part of the class, the instructor will make available her collection of antique Japanese books to aid in the understanding of these structures. Students will learn about the iconic Japanese paper called washi—how to use it and how it differs from Western papers. The course will include a demonstration on properly cooking the all-essential paste adhesive. No prerequisite.

The Retchōsō: Dual-Needle Japanese Tassel Binding
Instructor: Lana Lambert
October 17 – 18 (Thurs – Fri),
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials
[hold materials fee until class]…Developed during the Heian period (794 – 1185 CE) in Japan, the retchōsō was used to record literature, poetry and traditional Noh dramatic chants. This style is useful today as personal sketch books, field journals, and chapbooks. In this workshop, make your own retchōsō which consists of a sewn, multi-section text, covered in decorative Chiyogami paper.Distinctively, within the centers of the folded text sections lie tasseled knots that bring delight to the sewing structure. In addition to folding and sewing your text, you will also be printing the woodblock Chiyogami paper to use for the covers of the softbound retchōsō.
Lana will demonstrate the beauty of powdered raw pigments as she turns them into ink specially formulated for woodblock printing.
Please join us for this complete Japanese binding & printing experience. No prerequisite.
Advanced Bookbinding Courses
*Prerequisite: SBBA’s Intro to Book Restoration OR New Cloth Binding Construction

*Advanced Cloth Binding Restoration: The Cloth Reback
Instructor: Jill Deiss April 10 – 11
(Thurs – Fri), 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $45 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…This course teaches the Cloth Reback—the professional technique for restoring cloth-bound volumes when the boards have detached from the text. In a cloth reback, new matching material is taken under the original for a functional repair that also improves the book aesthetically.
Being able to reback cloth-bound books smoothly and with confidence is one of the most important skills of a bookbinder.

*Advanced Leather Binding Restoration: The Leather Reback
Instructor: Jill Deiss April 2 – 4 (Wed – Fri), 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$445 + $65 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…This course teaches the Leather Reback for both loose-hollow/tubed structures and for tight-back volumes with raised bands.
Students will go through the stages of preparing their texts and original covers to undergo restoration, paring the leather, and accomplishing the reback. Leather paring techniques will be taught with both the Schärffix parer and skiving knives.

*Book Sewing Intensive
Instructor: Susan McCabe
August 25 – 26 (Thurs – Fri),
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…In this course, you will learn how to sew on tapes, sunken cords, raised bands, and split thongs all while using a traditional sewing frame (your own or one of ours).
Students will also learn to determine when damaged sewing can be repaired and how to make those repairs. Plus the class includes an introduction to rounding and backing of texts and a session on the ploughing of text edges.
Box Making Courses

Cloth-Covered Clamshell Box Making
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Alexis Candelaria
August 18 – 19 (Thurs – Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials [materials fee due with tuition]…Clamshell boxes are ideal for storing books as well as various kinds of loose materials. The proper construction of these book enclosures is an essential element of any bookbinder’s practice.
We place emphasis on the use of acid-free/pH-neutral materials and on the selection of box-making tools for the home-based studio. Anyone serious about bookbinding needs to be able to craft a solid clamshell box.
No prerequisite.

*Advanced Clamshell Tray Structures
Instructors: Jill Deiss & Mona Hayford
August 20 (Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$240 + $45 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…This course delves into the construction of two alternate cloth-covered tray structures: the double-wall and the fourth-partial side. The double-wall has two layers of interlocking book board on its side rails something massive. The fourthpartial side tray, as its name suggests, encloses a portion of the spine edge of the lower tray (an area in most clamshell boxes left open to allow full access to the enclosed book). The additional partial side allows loose materials (for example: photographs, ephemera, or a two-volume set of books) to be held in the lower tray as the clamshell opens thus preventing them from spilling out. The gap in the partialwall side is meant to give good access for the hand in retrieving the materials. *Prerequisite: Cloth-Covered Clamshell Box Making

Chabako: The Japanese Tea Box
Instructor: Lana Lambert
September 18 – 19 (Thurs – Fri),
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $60 materials
[hold materials fee until class]…Historically the chabako or traditional Japanese tea box housed
the implements used in the tea ceremony. A similar chabako form was constructed specifically for the holding and shipping of tea. This structure is so ideal that larger ones came to be used for storing other foods and even for storing clothes! The interiors of the boxes are lined with tin or metal foil and the outside covered in decorative papers called Chiyogami.
Instructor Lana Lambert fell for Japanese tea boxes after seeing dozens of them stacked in a tea shop that sold teas from all over Asia. These stunning containers were full of different teas waiting to be scooped out for customers. The redolent shop had the feel of the most ancient and magnificent of apothecaries—and with the medicinal properties of tea, this wasn’t far from the truth. Lana used sheer restraint that day: while other customers were purchasing
scoops of the various teas, she only purchased two whole tea boxes. It’s like this when you’ve
been captivated. There is no turning back.
As this is a real tea box, you will be including traditional materials in the structure such
as wood, paper, laminated paper, decorative Chiyogami paper, along with a mirror-like metallic
lining. It is a sturdy box, ready for whatever job you give it. No prerequisite.
Marbling Workshops

The Art of Fabric Marbling
Instructor: Brittani Locke
June 20 – 21 (Fri – Sat)
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $80 materials fee
[hold materials fee until class]…This workshop will allow you to create exquisite patterns in the marbling tank that then come to life on fabric. This class utilizes the timeless marbled designs seen for centuries in book and paper arts. The materials fee includes the necessary supplies including ample unhemmed cotton for producing marbled fabric.
As you gain proficiency with the techniques, you may wish to move on to the more challenging work of marbling hemmed cotton pocket squares and long silk scarves which will be available for purchase and ready to marble at the workshop. Under the experienced guidance of instructor Brittani Locke, you will see your skill set expand as your stack of marbled fabric grows. Click for You Tube video of Brittani marbling fabric. No prerequisite.

Beginning Paper Marbling
July 25 – 26 (Fri – Sat)
Instructor: Robin Ashby
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $70 materials
[hold materials fee until class]… Marbled papers grace the covers of books and are used in many other crafts including box making, matting & framing, and greeting cards.
You will learn numerous traditional patterns using acrylic pigments, many of which have their origins in early Turkey. These patterns later spread throughout Europe starting in the 1500s. Students may reasonably expect to produce 20 to 30 marbled papers during the class. No prerequisite.

Marbled-Cover Album
Instructors: Robin Ashby and John Johnson
July 30 – August 1 (Thurs – Fri),
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$295 + $50 materials
[hold materials fee until class]…This workshop will have your engines revving from the first moment.
You’ll begin at the marbling tank where you will first marble paper that will become part of your album cover. You will then move on to creating the blank album pages and crafting the album cover.
The cherry on top will be setting type and then letterpress printing it for the title label on the front of your album! The marbling and letterpress portions of the class will give you a sound introduction to both of these crafts. This workshop is a satisfying journey from raw materials to a finished product. The result is a beautifully crafted blank album—all from your hands. No prerequisite.

*Practice Makes Perfect
Instructor: Regina & Dan St. John
September 11 – 13 (Thurs – Sat),
9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$445 + $95 materials fee
[hold materials fee until class]…This class is for students have had a introductory marbling workshop and would like the time to spend learning patterns they missed or wish to perfect. On our journey to marbled greatness, we all encounter some rough spots. This class is designed to smooth our rough patches in order to turn weaknesses into strengths. Also in this class, students will be encouraged to solidify their skill sets with patterns they have not yet mastered. Further, students will be encouraged to meet the challenge of replicating a pattern multiple times, with as little variation as possible among the pulled sheets. This ability to produce a production run that is consistent in pattern and color is a difficult yet important skill for all marblers. *Prerequisite of Beginning Marbling or experience/instructor approval.
Paper Craft Courses
Paper Care & Conservation

Introduction to Paper Repair
Instructors: Jill Deiss
October 2 – 3 (Thurs – Fri),
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$295 + $55 materials
[materials fee due with tuition]…This course teaches methods for repairing damage to paper plus the necessary preparatory steps of non-invasive surface-cleaning, options for stabilizing pressure-sensitive tape, and humidifying and flattening rolled or crumpled pages. No prerequisite.